Samsung has finally launched its new flagship models, the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge in India. The devices are available in t...
Samsung has finally launched its new flagship models, the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge in India.
The devices are available in three variants – 32GB, 64GB and 128GB. The 32GB Galaxy S6 is priced at Rs 49,900, 64GB at Rs 55,900 and 128GB at Rs 61,900. The 32GB, 64GB and 128GB Galaxy S6 Edge have been priced at Rs 58,900, 64,900 and 70,900, respectively.
The smartphones will start shipping in India starting April 10 and is now available for pre-order. Those users who pre-book the Galaxy S6/Galaxy S6 Edge will also get benefits like one-time screen replacement along with payback points in case the company plans a trade-in cashback scheme in the future.
With the new models, Samsung has taken a quantum leap in design (Galaxy S6 Edge) and also given the phones some spruced up user experience. The devices aren’t just plastic now and boast of metal and glass.
Apart from the refreshing dual edge display design, both Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge sport a similar display size, camera and most other features are also exactly the same. However, the S6 Edge puts the edges to good use with features like the edge lights up each time someone calls, allowing you to assign specific colour for various callers. The notifications and other shortcuts have been accommodated on the sides. The UI is more customized and it also get a bigger battery, obviously you will also be paying slighter higher.